Hello everyone!
Before anything else: I’m humbled by all your kind comments and wishes, most of them sent to me privately. Please know that each one is greatly appreciated! See the PS at the end (where else…) of this post.
This is the 13th offering on the Magic Advent Calendar and is a partial answer to the question I often get of how to take and store notes.
In my Newsletters # 6 and # 9 I already wrote about different aspects of note-taking, and you might want to review those. To read or download my past Secret Newsletters go to the “Newsletter” item in the menu bar, or simply CLICK HERE.
Today’s PDF are my notes I took from a Dai Vernon video lecture, and it is almost a transcript of it. You can therefore even study it without having access to the video, but if you have, all the better. The video in question is part of the Vernon Revelations 30th Anniversary Commemorative Boxed Set published by L&L in 2003 and which contained 12 DVDs. One of the DVDs has the lecture at the Magic Castle from 1st April 1977.
To read or download the PDF CLICK HERE.
PS: Several wrote in to comment on the past posts and sent in further information, which I forward to you here. Denis Behr sent a link, which contains all magic-related performers who have appeared on the Knoff-Hoff Show, including Jerry Andrus’s in a much better quality – CLICK HERE to watch (this might not show up in all countries). And Marco Pusterla sent in a link, which all of you who are interested in optical illusions, should find interesting, CLICK HERE. Thank you, Denis and Marco!
Good to get that lecture out and watch again w your notes. When I first saw the “carnival” style top change I immediately thought of the greatly missed Mr. Jay and his 52 Assistants in which he does a similar top change at least twice.