Hello everyone!
Today’s topics are: Happy Holiday Wishes; Remembering my parents.
These are The Magic Memories 104, gone online Sunday, December 25th, 2022, at 0:07h sharp.
Happy Holiday Wishes
I planned on writing a very long blog for today, until I realized that I would be writing it on Christmas Eve, and that you would be receiving and reading it on Christmas day.
And although this is not a religious event for all of my readers, as we are a pretty mixed group, there is probably hardly a “civilized” place on this planet where Christmas is not seen, heard or felt in some way, at least the “commerce” around Christmas seems to be everywhere.
Anyway, whether you are a believer, or not, or believe in something else, it is a good moment to realize that we need to take care of ourselves, our fellow human beings, and the environment-planet we are living in, in equal proportion, regardless of religion, as this is our major responsibility as human beings, and to do this with the highest degree of Ethos.
That’s it for philosophy today 🙂 … and for magic, too, I’m afraid, as I’m getting ready for tonight’s festivities which take more time than I expected, but it’s a pleasure, of course 🙂
However, you’ll have to wait for some magical goodies (I hope…) until next week.
Meanwhile please receive my very best thoughts for these days, thank you for following my ramblings in The Magic Memories, and although at some point I was firmly convinced that they would end this year, right now I believe I need these more than you… so, I’ll be back next week, which, I realize, falls on the last and first day of the year, yet another holiday 🙂

One more thing before I leave you: As it is a special day, I would like to do something out of the ordinary that has nothing to do with magic (in some way it has…), and remember the two most important people in my life, my parents Maria and Oreste Giobbi, who are no longer with us: “Grazie Mamma e Papà per tutto!”

Wish everyone an excellent week!
All the best,
Roberto Giobbi
Merry Christmas Roberto.
Debbie and I are finally making it to Switzerland in June 2023. We had a trip scheduled last year but it was cancelled because of Covid.
Merry Christmas! Thanks for all your works. May you have a blessed New Year.
Frohe Wheinachten Maestro Giobbi!
Merry Christmas!
Enjoy all that you do.
The physical (genotypical) resemblance to your parents is striking. Happy Holidays.
Dear Roberto and Barbara
(I’m afraid we don’t know each other, so I hope you will allow me to use this form of address).
The card included in this blog no. 104, beautifully created by Barbara, includes the question “Which one is the Star of the Show”? In my opinion, there are two stars! One is YOU, Roberto! I admire the perseverance with which you share your rich memories with us weekly. Its are part of my regular weekly reading matter. Without your memories, Sunday is not a real Sunday 😉
Thank you very much! Please keep writing lots of memories for a long time to come.
The second Star of the Show is your wife Barbara, who with the wonderfully designed “star map” reveals her design skills and artistic ability – once again. Just alone with the “Card College” volumes, you both have created an entire universe.
I wish you both happy holidays and a magical 2023 – a year I wish, we all stand under a lucky star. Best regards, Martin
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year Roberto! I am preparing Gravi Lax for New Years Eve! Thanks for the recipe that was in last year’s advent edition!
Merry Christmas Roberto!