Hello everyone!
These are The Magic Memories 57, gone online Sunday, January 30th, 2022, at 0:07h sharp – welcome!
More Thoughts on “Righting a Wrong”
Kenn Ball from South Carolina had some nice things to say on the last post, and then asked, ” Finally, I’d like to chime in and say that I, for one, am keenly interested in your further thoughts on “Righting a Wrong.” Please do share them in a future post!
OK, your wish is my command. For those who are new to The Magic Memories and wonder what we’re talking about, below is the short text in question as an easy reminder:
1. Have the pack shuffled, take it back, and have any card removed and noted.
2. Have the card replaced and pass it to the top.
3. Shuffle overhand, running seven cards above the chosen card, which becomes the eighth card from the top.
4. Invite the spectator to name his card, which let us say is the ace of hearts, and instantly say, “Eight cards down!”
5. Deal seven cards and prepare for a double lift, as you say, “Will you name your card again?” Turn over the two cards and show an indifferent card, which let us call the nine of clubs.
6. Appear disconcerted by your failure, and turn the two cards face downwards as one. Remove the top card—the spectator’s ace of hearts—and toss it face downwards on the table to one side. “Let’s get rid of that nine of clubs,” you say grimly. “Don’t worry. I’ll find your card, if it takes all night.”
7. Shuffle overhand, running seven cards above the top card as in step No. 3. The nine of clubs, which is supposed by the audience to be on the table, is now eighth from the top.
8. Weigh the cards in your hand, as if making a calculation, and say in a puzzled tone, “That’s very curious. I still get a vibration of eight. Perhaps your card is at eight this time.”
9. Deal seven cards and say, “This card could be any cardexcept, of course, the nine of clubs, which is on the table—but my vibrations tell me that it is your card.”
10. Turn the eighth card and show that it is the nine of clubs. “Curiouser and curiouser!” you say. “This can’t be the nine of clubs. I put it on the table. Unless . . .!” Turn over the table card and show that it is the spectator’s ace of hearts.
End of trick description (from Royal Road to Card Magic).
To see my comments on the control phase of the trick (Steps 1 to 3) see The Magic Memories 56 (
So, let’s pick up from there: The selection is eighth from the top of the face down deck.
The next problem is a presentational one: Why do you know that the selection is eight cards down? Maybe you just quickly riffle the deck toward yourself, commenting laconically, “OK, I got them.”
This would be an intriguing remark that makes the following statement, “Eight cards down!”, more consistent. It is not necessary to make a big deal of this, or even to give a talk about subliminal perception, something which would shift this trick from the class of “impossible tricks” to “improbable tricks” (another big subject…). Anyway, think about it.
Now comes the countdown: You deal seven cards face down in a pile to the table, and then turn the next two cards over as one displaying an indifferent card, not the selection. To now simply discard it is fishy. So, how about if this was a Joker? It would make more sense to say something like, “Oh, the Joker. I should have put that away at the beginning, it doesn’t count.” Nobody will now anticipate the climax. Besides, you can do the old gag of saying that the Joker of course represents every card, so you have, after all, not failed. The amusing situation this produces will take the heat off the discarded card.
Now, to set up for the next phase, simply replace the dealt seven-card-packet on top, and the Joker will be back at position eight. The original write-up doesn’t say what to do with the cards counted off, and it tells you to again run seven cards. Now, as you’ll know, running a higher number of cards always entails a little risk, especially of you have dry hands, or if the cards are not new. It’s so much easier, and logical, to replace the previously dealt cards, and a supreme example of an Intelligent Move. You could follow-up with an Intelligent Injog Shuffle and Cut (Sharing Secrets, p. 55) to retain top stock, and then proceed as per original instruction.
When I first read “Righting a Wrong” this seemed like an obvious solution, and I wondered how authors of the caliber of Hugard and Braue could overlook that. I’m sure others will have come to the same conclusion. As a matter of fact I had my friend Michael Frohnmeyer from Germany write in offering precisely this solution; (many) years ago he translated Garcia’s books into German, so he should know 🙂
How do you get the Joker in position to do the above, I hear some of you ask?
You might do it this way: At the beginning have the Joker on top of the deck, a crimped card eighth from the bottom, followed by seven x-cards. Now do the “Tabled Ribbon Spread Control” from
Card College 1 (p. 143), to wit: Ribbon-spread the cards face down and have one selected. Gather the cards, Swing Cut the top portion on your left hand, have the selection replaced on top (of the Joker), drop the rest on top, thus placing the “key card block” on top. After a Positive Insertion (
Sharing Secrets, p. 52) cut the crimped card to the bottom, maybe using my Accidental Pass (see
Secret Agenda, p. 36, or refer back to
The Magic Memories 56 with a screenshot of the entry), and you’re in business.
With all respect and admiration for a “classic”, this one trick shows why Royal Road to Card Magic is outdated. However, it is a source that forces you to think!
Flash News on Card College 3&4 – Personal Instruction
I’m glad to have received such positive feedback on my latest video project, thank you for all your encouraging comments!
My friend Guillaume Cerati, who does all the camera and editing work starts to send along the first edited lessons from Card College Volume 3 for me to comment, add sub-titles, credits etc.
Look at the screen shot below: Yes, this is a profession of its own, and I’m glad I met Guillaume who does this beautifully. He has the latest camera equipment, one of which can deliver total, half-total and close-up from the same angle, so it’s three cameras in one. Plus we are using a close-up camera at an angled top-view and yet another for shots from behind. So, we’re actually using five (!) cameras!
Another thing we use is a uni-directional microphone, like they use in the movies, so I don’t have to wear that clip microphone that looks bad, and is a hassle whenever I move outside of the studio. I really wonder why in all my other recordings they made me wear one of those… With all respect to the previous producers, but this one Guillaume and I are going to self-produce, is going to be the best of all!
Unfortunately we had a first set-back: Guillaume caught Corona, and we have to postpone the taping of the tricks (twenty-two, some of which not in the book!) that go with the technical lessons of volume 3. Fortunately he’s vaccinated and boosted, so has only a mild course, and we’ll be able to pick up work on February 6th. Release is still scheduled for April 2022. I’ll keep you posted.
Coming in the The Magic Memories 58
In answer to several requests I received, in the next post I’ll talk about my favorite magic books, but in a special way.
Stay tuned 🙂 – and meanwhile have an excellent week.
All the very best!
Roberto Giobbi
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A quick thought on righting a wrong. It’s very similar in plot to Eddie Fetcher’s “Ive got a Surprise for You” which I personally found to be of more impact. Or maybe I should say that I found it easier to present? maybe because it foregoes exactly that presentational challenge Mr Giobbi mentions of why 8 cards down? What power am I presenting and why does it not work / end with a transposition?
For those who are interested Jamy Ian Swiss has an excellent discussion on Eddie Fetcher’s trick in “Scripting Magic (volume 1)”.