Hello everyone!
These are The Magic Memories 63, gone online Sunday, March 13th, 2022, at 0:07h sharp.
As you are reading this (provided you read it on SUN 13th MAR 2022…) we are taping the “show”, i.e., the performance of ca. 25 tricks to go with the fourteen lessons of Card College 3&4 – Personal Instruction, and their detailed explanation thereafter (three days of full-immersion).
I’ve been preparing everything for the past ten days almost full-time, as it is my ambition to not only demonstrate the tricks, but to perform them – as you will appreciate there is a huge difference, and it takes an awful lot of time 🙂 Obviously, I could do this in such a short time because I have now over forty years of experience on my back…
As a consequence, this week’s Magic Memories (63) will be short, and I look very much forward to a lengthier blog next week, when I hope to answer the question various readers have kindly sent in.
Yet another Interview…
Those who have been following my blogs will probably have had enough of interviews I’ve done for at least a dozen of hosts in the past two years.
But just in case you haven’t, or if you are new to this place, here is a chat of almost 60 minutes Damian Jennings did with me for his “The Insider” by Vanishing Inc. and which aired for the first time on Monday, March 7, 2022.
There are, though, several questions that have never been asked before, so you might find something of interest. As always I try to stay away from trivial things and attempt to make links to useful ideas and concepts, so that at the end you go away with some valuable information you didn’t have before – that’s the ideal, of course. And you should find some amusing bits, too 🙂
The following link will take you to the VI-page, where you can either listen to the Podcast, which is the first thirty minutes of the talk (there will be a sequel soon), or see the complete thing as a video via YouTube. To make your decision CLICK HERE.
Literary Award
I hope you will forgive me for blowing my own horn just a little by telling you that the Magischer Zirkel von Deutschland, Europe’s largest magic society (as far as I know), has awarded me with their “Schriftsteller des Jahres”, i.e., they have bestowed upon me their “Literary Fellowship”. This is already the second time, the first time was in 1987 when I had published almost nothing… If you read German, or want to practice your German, or want to see how good your translator app is, you can read their laudation BY CLICKING HERE.
I have now received almost all important awards there are for my output as an author of magical literature – I only lack the Allan Slaight Award, which unfortunately I will never receive (why is another story); I say “unfortunately” because it is the only one that comes with serious money.
One day I will write about awards in magic – in general, I mean – as it is interesting from different points of view, but today is not the day 🙂
All the very best,
Roberto Giobbi